Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Update Yourself With Virtualization Technology !

'Virtualization' is a latest technology which is use to decrease our needs like money and hardware resources in a company platform. Virtualization is the creation of a virtual network (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources.

Operating system virtualization is the use of software to allow a piece of hardware to run multiple operating system images at the same time. The technology got its start on mainframes decades ago, allowing administrator to avoid wasting expensive processing power.

4 minute video by Senior director of VMWare Company:
VMWare is a leading company in the field of virtualization.

In 2005, virtulization software was adopted faster than anyone imagined, including the experts. There are three major areas of IT where virtulaization is leading in the industry:

1. Network Virtulization:

Network virtualization is a method of combining the available resources in a network by splitting up the available bandwidth into channels, each of which is independent from the others, and each of which can be assigned to a particular server or device. Here the idea of virtualization is that to decrease the complexity of the network by separating it into manageable parts, much like your partitioned hard drives which make your work easy to manage your files.

2. Storage Virtualization:

Storage Virtuazlization is commonly used in Storage Area Networks (SANs) in this virtualization the pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is manage from a central console.

3. Server Virtualization:

Server virtualization is partitioning of a physical server into smaller virtual server by using some softwares.
This virtualization has several benefits. For examples each virtual server run its own operating system and each virtual server is independently rebooted . Server virtualization also reduces costs because less hardware is required.

Must watch this video to understand complete Virtualization through block structures:

This field is not limited, a lot of work is remaining in this field. So start thinking from now itself.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Facebook's Server and Data Center


Server and Data Center Room of Facebook:

Today Facebook have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000 servers.
Facebook photo storage operation, which now stores 80 billion images . The real challenge isn't storage, but delivery. "They serve up 600,000 photos a second".

There are 25 TB of Log Data -Daily:

Facebook manages more than 25 terabytes of data per day in logging data.

Company's Engineering operations:

Facebook currently has about 230 engineers on staff, who manage data for more million users. Having 1 engineer for more than one million active users has been a consistent historic ratio at Facebook.

Here a look at some of past coverage of the growth of Facebook's infrastructure:

1. Facebook makes big investment in Data Center.
2. Facebook spending $20 Million a year on Data Centers.
3. A lot of Rack and Blade Server is present in Facebook Data Center.

This video shows all the servers and data storage hard drives and backing up database technology which is using in Facebook Data Center.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Latest IT Technologies used in Lovely Professional University

LPU is one of the few Indian universities, which can boast of its state-of-the-art computing resources and network across the campus. It is completely a WiFi campus with more than 1000+  access points of RUCKUS company. Ruckus is the 2nd largest WiFi products company after Cisco.
They can provide 500 Mbps of bandwidth for internet with dedicated leased line. There are 6000 + workstations supported by 20 plus Quad Core or Xeon based Rack/Blade  and desktop Servers. University is using the IBM system x3200 M3 Express server with the latest Intel Xenon Processor 3400 series.

There are 40 Servers which are most powerful servers from HP/IBM for 100% redundancy and efficient data management. They are using RAID 1 and RAID 5 Technology for backing up the database.
30 Km fibre backbone is used for providing seamless connectivity in whole campus.

The powerful Blade Server is used in university data center. A blade server is a stripped down server computer with a modular design optimized to minimize the use of physical space and energy. There are a blade enclosure, which can hold multiple blade server, provides services such as power, networking , various interconnects and management.

There are a lot of Cisco catalyst 6509E core switch to provide the needed scalability and traffic control network.
They are using latest ECC memory chip RAM in their server machines. ECC stands for 'Error Correction codes'. ECC memory chips are predominantly used in servers rather than in client computers. Memory errors are proportional to the amount of RAM in a computer as well as the duration of operation. Since servers typically contain several gigabytes of RAM and are in operation 24 hours in a day, the likelihood of errors cropping up in their memory chips is comparatively high, hence they require ECC memory.

Some other technologies which are using by university:
1. SAN: Storage Area network
2. SAS Harddisk
3. VMware Virtualization
4. Layer 3 Switch
5. Dual Band Access Points 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Servers In Lovely Professional University

It is great to know that their are 35 Servers in Lovely Professional University which are responsible for their Wi-Fi Network.
In which 5 Servers is responsible only for reporting (like Fee Slips, Time Table and Attendance etc inquiry) more than 80000 quires  in a day. In coming days, university is going to add 3 to 5 more server for reporting purpose.
VMware Virtulization technology is also using in LPU.

LPU is using 56TB of Database for faculty members for uploading their assignments, tutorials,videos and other study materials for students.

WiFi Setup:
The whole WiFi setup is done by 1000+ CISCO's Access points and 2 controller of RUCKUS.
The Data center is the place where the whole databases is created. 
LPU is using "Layer 3 Switch" which is responsible for high performance for network routing. The cost of this switch is around 70 lac to 1 crore. Very few universities in India is using this technology. Maximum of universities in India is using "Layer 2 Switch" in their WiFi setup.

Upcoming Features In UMS (University Management System):
1. Chat Program like facebook in which student can chat with their classmates and faculty members.
2. Remainder Program: In this we can able to set a remainder and UMS will remind about this remainder via SMS or Mail.
3. Hostel and Bus booking like PVR booking system.